Parental guidance for Twin Parents
Raising Emotionally Healthy Twins
Raising twins is an incredible journey which parents cultivate as they learn to multitask, and understand their twins’ needs.
Some things can be a bit more challenging as twins respond to parents’, family’s and society’s expectations of them.
Growing up with a twin can pose unique challenges on parents
Over the 15 years I have been working with twins, I have seen twinships thrive and blossom, while others took a different turn. Twins may develop an unhealthy attachment to each other, a low sense of security in themselves as individuals, or rebel against their twinship.
The truth is, when twins are influenced to feel a certain way about themselves as twins, to be their twin’s best friend and love them unconditionally - it puts a lot of pressure on them.
After all, they did not choose to be twins, and they might have a different idea of how they want their twinship to look like than their parents’.
At infancy, things are easy and strong feelings for or against their same-age sibling aren’t as obvious. Yet as twins enter toddler-hood, certain traits can be detected, and behavioural challenges may be more evident.
When addressed early, twins can learn to succeed as individuals, and celebrate their twinship on their own terms.
Common twin-behavioural issues:
· Sharing
· Co-operative play
· Bullying (each other and others)
“Smadar has a lot of experience with twins
and is good at seeing them as individuals and siblings as well,
and allowing their own individuality to be expressed.”
· Physical aggression
· Jealousy
· Co-dependency
· Separation anxiety
· Social avoidance
· Boundary enforcement
The November Twin Toddlers’ Behaviour seminar is now open!
Helping parents raise emotionally healthy twins requires comprehensive understanding of early childhood development, and practical experience of caring for two independent children sharing their lives in a most intrinsic way.
You can read more about the ins and outs of twinships and raising emotionally healthy twins in my Twins Blog.
Price: $96 (USD)
1 hour consultation (at-home* or via Zoom).
1 week follow-up support of 3 phone calls (10-15min each call).
Parental Guidance is offered at-home* and via Zoom for twin families anywhere in the world.
* At-home consultation is available for families residing in Auckland, NZ.
*The price is for a travel distance of up to 20km from Onehunga, Auckland. Additional travel fees of $2/km will incur for greater travel distance.
MAC members receive 15% discount (please attach a copy of your current MAC membership card when booking).
If you want support with your twins’ behaviour, or want to understand how to nurture your twins’ well-being, book Twinful Life Parenting Guidance or learn more in a discovery call today.